Pelvic Exam 101

You deserve more out of your routine pelvic exams.

We designed this handy guide so all women at every stage of life can feel empowered, safe and stress-free heading into their next medical visit.

How to Talk to Your Doctor About Using Nella

Tips to a Better Pelvic Exam

Tips to a Better Pelvic Exam


Two days before your Pap test, abstain from using vaginal creams, suppositories, medicine and douches as they can hide abnormal cell readings, impacting test accuracy. Avoid intercourse to prevent interference with the test results.


Comfort and familiarity can improve your comfort during a pelvic exam. Avoid grooming right before your exam; this can result in skin irritation or make you feel self-conscious.


Practice body positivity during your pelvic exam. Remember that your healthcare provider is not judging your body. Embrace self-acceptance and appreciate your body to alleviate the discomfort or anxiety you may feel during the exam.


During the pelvic exam, use relaxation techniques like deep breathing and visualization to calm your mind and body. Deep breathing eases the mind and relaxes pelvic muscles, enhancing comfort during vaginal speculum insertion or removal. breathing and visualization to calm your mind and body. Deep breathing eases the mind and relaxes pelvic muscles, enhancing comfort during vaginal speculum insertion or removal.


Close your eyes and go to a happy place in your mind.


Try visualizing a happy place in your mind, listening to calming music, or watching something on your phone using headphones to distract yourself and promote relaxation.


Communicate openly and honestly with your doctor about your concerns.


Communicate openly and honestly with your doctor about your concerns. If discomfort or pain occurs during the exam, speak up and say, “Stop.” Your well-being matters, and you can ask for explanations so you know what to expect.


After the exam, prioritize self-care. Treat yourself to a nice lunch or book a relaxing spa treatment as a reward for taking care of your health. This indulgence can help you unwind and de-stress.

Pelvic Exam Etiquette

Feeling nervous or stressed out is normal regardless of how long you’ve been seeing a gynecologist. If you feel anxious, you can ask your doctor if you can bring a support person like a spouse, partner or friend or if you can listen to music or watch a show on your phone.

If you ever feel uncomfortable or like a procedure is forced, you can say no or ask your doctor to explain what they’re doing.

Here are some questions to ask at your pelvic exam:

What does the pelvic exam involve?

What is the purpose of a Pap test?

How long does the pelvic exam usually take?

It’s Time to Open Up at Your Next Pelvic Exam

You deserve more out of your healthcare.

We designed this guide so all women at every stage of life can feel empowered, safe and stress-free heading into their next OBGYN visit.

A comfortable, non-stressful pelvic exam experience is the key to long-lasting health. We know opening up to your doctor can be hard. Nella wants to help. Check out our tips on talking to your healthcare provider so we can reduce the staggering 91% of women who experience pelvic exam anxiety to zero.

Check out our tips on how to talk to your healthcare provider, so that we can take the staggering number that 91% of women experience pelvic exam anxiety, and bring it to zero.

Not sure how to bring up Nella with your doctor? Check out our guide below on what to say, depending on your situation.


If pelvic exams cause you pain…


“Pelvic exams are painful for me and I get tremendous anxiety before my appointments. Have you heard about Nella, a new speculum that’s much narrower and easier to insert? Perhaps you can try it.”


If you experience pain when your healthcare provider uses a speculum…


“I feel uncomfortable when you are inserting and removing the speculum. Have you heard about Nella? It is a new speculum that’s only as wide as a tampon, so it is much easier to insert. Perhaps you can try it.”


If you have anxiety before and during the exam…


“Did you know that 90% of women experience anxiety before and during a pelvic exam? I know I'm not alone. I'd like you to make the switch to Nella.”

If your doctor doesn’t listen to you, it’s time to find a new doctor who uses Nella.

How to start the conversation with your doctor:

“I know that my yearly exams and screenings are important, but I’m constantly nervous and I don’t like coming. I’ve heard about a new speculum called Nella that’s smoother, narrower, and temperature-neutral. Would you consider it for your office?”

Additionally, these things usually relax me. Am I able to:

Choose an early-in-the-day appointment time to get in, get screened, and go back to my day?

Wear clothes that are comfortable (provided, they don’t get in your way)?

Stream something on my phone or have music on in the background?

Bring a friend or partner as my support person (not a chaperone, a confidant)?